FaceTime in the Dark

He’s a Catfish, He’s a Catfish Not…

I’ve been talking to Menz 2 from the dating app all week and our conversations are by far the best I’ve had in a long time. Everytime we talk it's an easy hour to hour and a half call. We also text often and have full conversations using only gifs. I feel so seen lol. 

So backstory, we matched on the dating app because he liked my pic and I responded he looked familiar. Turns out we met each other in real life many moons ago and have a mutual friend in common. It's been a week of us texting and talking on the phone and I have been anticipating a FaceTime call soon. The next day I dropped several hints and finally he asked when I would be free so I thought to myself it's happening! The following day he calls as expected but it’s a regular call not a FaceTime call which was not expected. Ugh 🙄. We still talk for like an hour and per usual have a great conversation. My phone died which ended our convo abruptly so I text him from my ipad to hit me later. 

He was giving me a hard time about my phone dying saying “who’s phone dies during a pandemic...you’re locked in the house”. Treated LOL. I replied, just be sure to have all your devices charged for later so we can pick up where we left off. He then responds and tells me he has some friends coming over to celebrate his bday later. Hold up….Skkkkkkrt, Skkkkrt. So you mean to tell me I’ve been talking to you all week having all these deep convos and you had a whole birthday come and go and said nothing?! Bless him lordt. I asked why didn’t he say anything and he said he felt it was too soon and he didn’t want to make a big deal out of it...fair. 

I wasn’t expecting to hear back from him that night but while I was in the shower I saw I had a missed FaceTime and regular call from him. Like finally, the moment I was waiting for. The last missed call was the regular call but since I had a missed FaceTime call too I decided to FaceTime him back. I was lowkey excited to finally see him in real time and then when he answers he's in the dark. Like Bruhhhhhhh 😑. He clearly didn’t mean to FaceTime me as he was in the bed about to take a nap before his guests arrived. I felt some type of way that he didn’t even bother to get up to turn the light on for a few minutes. He got a point for calling me back to check-in before his festivities started. However, he then got a point deducted for having our first FaceTime be me starring into the blackness squinting trying to see a shadow or silhouette of some kind. Lordt! 

If it wasn’t for me meeting him in real life already I swear I would think I was being catfished. 

And even still I’m like……

-Sincerely, Sis


Not Once, Not Twice, But Thrice


Death While Sorta Dating