Lions, Lions & More Lions

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No Hakuna Matata

My BFF and I recently started a new business together so we have been introducing ourselves and networking with other people in the industry. We had just wrapped up a meeting and saw some guys working in the area so we randomly decided to introduce ourselves.

There was a group of black guys working so we figured let’s just say hi and give them our business card. The second guy that introduced himself appeared to be the most chatty so we chatted with him for a bit and found out that he was actually the big boss. He seemed thrilled that we had taken intrest in his work and told us he was working on several other projects. He then offered to give us a tour and told us we could take a look around.

After giving us a tour he offered for us to come back tomorrow to see their progress as they were on an accelerated timeline to complete. I got his info and told him we would come back tomorrow to check them out. We thanked him for his time and knowledge as he dropped several gems and then headed out. Since we took up so much of his time I decided to send him a thank you text again after we left to be courteous. 

Not even 10 mins later he called me and said he was headed over to another project he was working on and if we were still free for us to meet him there. Now we just met this man all of 45 mins ago and have been taking all the notes. Now he is offering us an opportunity to really see the behind the scenes of how the magic works. We go meet him and ended up spending most of the day shadowing him and meeting some of the various vendors he works with. He was truly being an open book and a wealth of information. It’s been hours now and it’s dinner time so we offered to buy him dinner as a kind gesture to which he declined. 

An hour or so later he calls me and says “to be clear I appreciate you both offering to take me to dinner but I really just want to go to dinner with you” 😳. Clutches pearls. Now I really wasn’t looking at him as a potential dating candidate but he wasn’t too bad on the eyes. He was early 40’s, tall, pretty in shape, and he seemed like a pretty genuine guy overall. We chatted on the phone for about 30 mins or so (which is a long time for me lol) and turns out he was hella cool. Or so I thought. Lol.

The next morning I woke up to a flood of text messages from him. Everything from memes, inspirational quotes, bible verses, and all these damn lions. Yes, lions. I am now confusion. Why do I have close to 10 messages back to back from this man before 9am? Why is he sending me all these damn lion memes? Is he being super thirsty or does he just not know how to play it cool? After all he is over 40 🥴. Lol. 

Taken aback by his flood of messages first thing in the morning I take my time to respond. He clearly needs to cool off a bit, Lordt. By lunch time here he comes with some more lion memes. Like what is up with these lions dude?! I finally decided to respond and let him know that I was busy and would reach out to him later in the day. Now he is sending me videos of the projects that we saw the day before and their progress. Ok now I’m like this dude is too much. It hasn’t even been 24 hours since I met you and you are flooding my phone like this, chill out sir. Please. 

Slightly annoyed I decided not to reach back out later that day. The next morning I wake up to you guessed it, MORE LIONS. This man is truly #TheLionKing. Like what is his obsession with lion memes? I need answers. Lol. The next 3 days he continued to send me scriptures and memes to which I did not respond. I wish I was making this stuff up. 

I finally responded back to him and said “you’re a really nice guy but you’re a bit too intense for me”. I went on to explain how I’m not into all the religious talk and the lion memes were just too much in a 72 hour period. He responded back immediately “Well GM Stranger, while you’re still here can I show you another project?”

Like Hello?!?!

So you are not going to even acknowledge my text saying you’re being too intense? Just going to skip over that, I see. Now I know this man is truly unstable AF. I don’t like calling people crazy but if the little short white bus fits....then beep beep. After that, I completely ignore all his calls and texts. He is clearly in denial that he is being overly thirsty and creepy AF at this point. Over the course of the next 10 days, he continued to send video links from Pastor Smokie Norful and you guessed it more lion memes. Whew chile, this man can’t be serious. 

Update 11/20/20: It’s been about 3 weeks since I last responded to a text from #TheLionKing and this morning I get 2 video messages from him showing some work that he is doing. Like did I ask for this? Have I checked on you or your well-being sir? Why are you sending me anything? I am confusion. 

-Sincerely, Sis


Sex With a Narcissist - Part I


Fast & Furious 2003