Sex With a Narcissist - Part II
The Act
In case you missed Sex With a Narcisst - Part I, you might want to catch up first (Read More). Now, if you are all caught up, grab your popcorn Sis and get ready to clutch your pearls as the plot thickens. 😆
Self-respect overrides any and all expectations. It’s only then will you begin to create healthy boundaries.
He arrived at my place a little wound up. You could smell the stress on him (or was it a woman’s bath soap?). Once we were inside, he had a panic attack when he saw my roommate’s cats, so we made a quick change of scenery to my bedroom. I start a movie on my laptop, and he moves in for the cuddle. “He’s mine” is all I could think. Little did I know that this was all a part of his plan. He leaned in and kissed me and asked if I wanted to get to know him a little bit better. Of course, I said yes, duh! I was excited to see the desire in his eyes for me. His hands begin to wonder, and my body started screaming, YES!
Off come my glasses and down come his pants? Wait, this is not what I was thinking.
Him: Before we get started, I want you to put your pretty little mouth on my dick.
Me: Um sir, I don’t do that, and this was not the plan.
Him: Don’t you want me to release some of this stress?
Me: Yeah, but…
Him: Just suck it a little bit. But if you aren’t comfortable doing that...
Me: Ugh, okay. How do I do this?
I wasn’t ready!!! I also didn’t have any condoms and didn’t remember where my roommate kept them. This is not what I signed up for, but I knew it would FEEL. SO. GOOD. And after this, he would want to wife me, right? WRONG, baby girl. WRONG.
I went along with it. Me and my mediocre head skills went to work to make this man WANT me. I didn’t know what I was doing. I didn’t know what to expect. I just didn’t know. Too inexperienced to enjoy it and too naïve to care. This is what gets a man, right? WRONG again, baby girl. WRONG.
He nutted…all over my face. Oh my God, it got in my eye and went up my nose! It burns!!! What do I do?! Somebody…HELP…ME!
He grabbed me while laughing and told me that I would be okay and walked me to the bathroom since I was blinded. I wiped my eyes and saw him standing behind me in the mirror and he says, “You’re so beautiful.” I relaxed and smiled softly while I cleaned his cum from my face.
We walk back towards the bed and he dives in under the sheets. This was weird to me. I thought we were done.
Me: You aren’t done?”
Him: No. That was just the beginning. I need to be inside of you to finish the job.
Me: Do you have condoms?
Him: Your place. You should have some.
Me: Well, no I don’t.
Him: I guess we will have to go half on a baby.
Me: Hell naw!!!
Him: I’m joking...I have condoms.
I didn’t participate much in the actual sex. He had that all to himself just as he wanted. He had full control of my body…and without a care in the world. He didn’t care if I reached an orgasm or if what he was doing actually felt good to me (it did but that’s neither here nor there). All that mattered to him was how he felt.
If you’ve been living under a rock or married to God since you were 14, this is called casual sex. Two people show up to commit sexual acts only to make THEMSELVES feel good for however long it takes and go their separate ways. No desire to satisfy the other person; just a focus on self. Very rarely do you ever find someone who is remotely interested in you getting an orgasm.
To appear like they care, you could get the question: Did you nut? When the answer is no (or if the woman is bold enough to answer no), rarely ever is anything done about it. Most of the time, you wait for the person to leave and go to town with some solo love. Nothing actually accomplished but the itch was scratched, for the time being.
He left my place an hour later and I felt like a blow-up doll; used and abused. What did I just do? It’s okay. I’m sure that’s the last time I’ll hear from him. He had me right where he wanted me: desperately craving attention and getting a sample of it and him, getting everything he wanted, how he wanted it.
If you’re constantly wondering where you stand with someone, then it’s nothing.
Whew, that was intense and we got it fresh off the press Sis! You can now purchase the rest of Baby Girl’s story right here on #SincerelySis! This is only the beginning. You are in for a wild ride, I promise. 🎢
Download Sex With a Narcissist now!
-Sincerely, Sis